To advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly:

(i) in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies; and
(ii) at the postgraduate level;

and to assist in the economic and social development of Hong Kong.



To be a leading university with significant international impact and strong local commitment.

GLOBAL To be a world-class university at the cutting edge internationally in all targeted fields of pursuit.

NATIONAL To contribute to the economic and social development of the nation as a leading university in China.

LOCAL To play a key role, in partnership with government, business, and industry, in the development of Hong Kong as a knowledge-based society.



STUDENTS To give all students, undergraduate and postgraduate alike, a broadly based university experience that includes: superior training in their chosen fields of study; a well-rounded education that enhances the development of their creativity, critical thinking, global outlook, and cultural awareness; a campus life that prepares them to be community leaders and lifelong learners.

FACULTY AND STAFF To provide a dynamic and supportive working environment in which faculty and staff may continually develop intellectually and professionally.

RESEARCH To be a leading institution for research and postgraduate study, pursuing knowledge in both fundamental and applied areas, and collaborating closely with business and industry in promoting technological innovation and economic development.

CAMPUS CULTURE To provide an open environment and atmosphere conducive to the exchange of knowledge, views, and innovative ideas among students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars.

COMMITMENT TO HONG KONG To promote and assist in Hong Kong's economic and social development, and to enrich Hong Kong's culture.


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