Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order, based on course codes. Explanations of co-listed courses, prerequisites, corequisites, exclusions and background can be found in Section 18.1 of the Undergraduate Regulations or in Section 29.4 and 29.5 of the Postgraduate Regulations. References are provided to give students an indication of the level of the course. They are not to be taken as course textbooks. Courses listed here will be offered according to resources available in each semester and year. Details of course offerings in a particular semester will be announced at course registration time.

Designated General Education Courses for 2001-02

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS (grouped by school):

School of Science
Courses offered by the Department of:
BICH Biochemistry
BIOL Biology
CHEM Chemistry
MATH Mathematics
PHYS Physics
Cross-department courses:
AMCE Atmospheric, Marine and costal Environmrnt
BISC Biological Science

School of Engineering
Courses offered by the Department of:
CENG Chemical Engineering
CIVL Civil Engineering
COMP Computer Science
ELEC Electrical and Electronic Engineering
IEEM Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
MECH Mechanical Engineering
Cross-department courses:
ENGG Courses for School of Engineering
School of Business & Management
Courses offered by the Department of:
ACCT Accounting
ECON Economics
FINA Finance
ISMT Information and Systems Management
MARK Marketing
MGTO Management of Organizations
Cross-department courses:
BMGB Global Business
ECMT Electronic Commerce Management
EMBA Courses for EMBA students

School of Humanities & Social Science
Courses offered by the Division of:
HUMA Humanities
SOSC Social Science

Cross-School Courses
BTEC Biotechnology
ESCE Environmental Science and Engineering
MATL Materials Science and Engineering
Technology Management


Cross-School Courses
GNED General Education
LANG Language
MAIE Mathematics and IT Education
(Taught by HKIEd faculty)