Luke Sui-Kwong WONG, BA, MA Hong Kong

The Student Affairs Office offers a range of services to students for the purpose of promoting the quality of campus life and assisting students in solving problems affecting their studies. Extra-curricular educational activities are also organized with the aim of broadening students' cultural and intellectual outlook as well as enhancing their social and interpersonal skills. Students have in past years made good use of opportunities provided to them to be pioneers in introducing new sports among university students in Hong Kong, major organizers in a few sports and cultural competitions among various international circles, as well as venturers in trying out innovative and creative ideas through extra-curricular activities.


Campus Living

The University believes that residential living on campus is an important means in achieving the purpose of total education of students. It enables students to participate more in student activities, and to interact with and learn from each other. The University offers every first-year student residence in a hall for at least one semester. Hall wardens and tutors will provide guidance and advice to residents to help them make good use of and benefit from the learning opportunities in a residential environment.

A total of 2,382 residential places are provided to undergraduate students in five halls of residence. All rooms are fully furnished and air-conditioned. More than 80% of the rooms are shared by two students, while the rest by three. Residents share common facilities such as shower and washrooms. Each floor of the halls has a lounge area with an adjoining pantry. Other facilities in the complex include common rooms, snack areas where residents and guests can meet and socialize, and a laundry. There are no cooking facilities in the halls. Residential students may use the central dining facilities on campus.

There are sufficient places to accommodate all full-time postgraduate students who wish to live on-campus. Postgraduate students live in University Apartments which can accommodate up to 756 students. Each apartment comprises 4 single rooms, a sitting room, a kitchenette, and toilet and shower facilities. The apartments are fully furnished and the kitchenettes are equipped with gas stoves, refrigerators and microwave ovens. All bedrooms and living rooms are provided with air-conditioners.

There is a postgraduate hall of residence which has 120 air-conditioned rooms. The rooms are for single occupancy. Other facilities are similar to those in the undergraduate halls.

Student Counseling Service

The Student Counseling Service offers assistance in many areas of student interests and concern, such as personal growth, adjustment to campus life, personal problems and study-related issues. It also operates a Careers Center, which provides students with education, guidance and assistance in job search and career development.

Physical Education and Sports

Developing physical health and fitness is as important as broadening one's mental capacity and horizons. The University expects all students to participate in at least one organized sport or physical education activity during their years at the University. Professional coaches are available to organize and provide instruction in these activities. The University has a good provision of sports facilities. Indoor facilities are fully air-conditioned. A large multi-purpose sports hall with 1,600 square meters of floor space is designed for activities such as badminton, basketball, vollyeball, handball and indoor soccer, with other areas set aside for squash, table-tennis, fencing, dance, martial arts, weight training and fitness exercises. Outdoor facilities include a 50-meter swimming pool, an Astroturf soccer pitch, a 400-metre track with 8 lanes, a hard-surface mini-soccer pitch, outdoor basketball courts and tennis courts. Facilities are also available for throwing activities such as discus, javelin and shot-putt, softball and archery.

Student Health Service

The Student Health Service provides out-patient health and dental care for students. Health education workshops and seminars are organized and presented for the benefit of students and staff.

Student Activities

Extra-curricular activities are organized by the Students' Union and student societies associated with academic disciplines, sports, arts and other social interests. Students are encouraged to take part in activities as organizers and/or participants. The Student Affairs Office plays an active role in facilitating participation of faculty members, alumni and members of the community in student activities with a view to enhancing educational outcome.

Student Amenities

The campus, on a site of great beauty enhanced by landscaping, terraces, and pavilions, has been designed with great emphasis on the quality of life of both resident and non-resident students. Amenities for personal as well as organized student activities are provided. These include facilities for (i) the pursuit of hobbies such as photographic dark rooms and music rooms, (ii) the organization of activities such as conference room, meeting rooms, workshop and office space, and (iii) leisure activities for students such as common rooms and quiet room. Catering facilities include self-service cafeterias, Chinese and western restaurants, a food court, a coffee shop and a snack shop. Commercial facilities include a bookstore, banking services, a supermarket, and a hair salon.