Acting Dean:

, BA Wesleyan; MBA, PhD Chicago
(Professor of Finance)

Associate Deans:
Gary C. BIDDLE, BA Ohio State; MBA, PhD Chicago
(Head and Professor of Accounting)

Steven J. DEKREY, BA Bemidji State Coll; MS Univ of Wisconsin, Madison; MM (MBA) Northwestern; PhD, EdS Iowa
(Director of MBA/EMBA/MSc Programs)

Kar-Yan TAM, BS Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; MS, PhD Purdue
(Professor of Information and Systems Management, Director of Undergraduate Programs, and Director of Center for Electronic Commerce)


The School of Business and Management (SB&M) comprises six departments: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information and Systems Management, Management of Organizations, and Marketing. When fully established, the School will enroll almost 40% of the University's undergraduate students and approximately 30% of its postgraduate students. All departments offer undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs through to the doctorate.

Building on a strong broad-based foundation, undergraduate students choose a program in which particular skills are acquired. Thus, graduates are able to enter a specialized job market while retaining sufficient flexibility and adaptability for future career growth. Most postgraduates are enrolled, either full- or part-time, for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, and research students study for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.

Strong emphasis is placed on scientific and analytical methods as the fundamental pedagogical approach, supplemented by the use of case studies appropriate to Hong Kong and its neighboring region. The School takes full advantage of the University's state-of-the-art technological capabilities in its instruction and research.

The School is the only business school in Asia to be awarded dual accreditation by the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the European Foundation for Management Development. Its full-time MBA program was the only Asian program ranked by the Financial Times earlier in 2001 as among the world's top 50. The School organizes the largest international student exchange program in Asia with participating partners from a total of 60 major business schools in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.

International Co-operation

The School of Business and Management is very international in all its teaching, research, and service functions, and is recognized as a leading business school in Asia. A close partnership was established between the School and the Anderson Graduate School of Management of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) during the inception stage of the School. Senior academic administrators and staff from UCLA were seconded to the School to advise on curricula matters, offer joint executive education programs, recruit, teach and conduct research. In return, the School provides a homebase for UCLA in the Asia-Pacific region.

In 1998, the School established a joint Executive Master of Business Administration Program with the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Each year, some 40 senior executives working in different locations of Asia are attracted to join the program.

Already established for MBA students are student exchange programs with institutions in:

  • Asia - China Europe International Business School (Shanghai, China); International University of Japan; National University of Singapore; Tel Aviv University (Israel)
  • Australia - Australian Graduate School of Management
  • Europe - Copenhagen Business School (Denmark); Escuela Superior de y de Empresas (Spain); ESSEC (France); ISA, HEC School of Management (France); University of Manchester (UK); University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UK); Wissenschaftliche Hochschule (Germany)
  • North America - Columbia University; Cornell University; Duke University; Emory University; Indiana University; New York University; Northwestern University; Ohio State University; Tulane University; University of British Columbia; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Chicago; University of Maryland; University of Michigan; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of Rochester; University of Southern California; University of Virginia; University of Washington; and Vanderbilt University.

At the undergraduate level, exchange programs have been established with the following institutions:

  • Asia - Chulalongkorn University (Thailand); National University of Singapore; Singapore Management University; Yonsei University (South Korea)
  • Australia - University of New South Wales; University of Sydney
  • Europe - Copenhagen Business School (Denmark); Bordeaux School of Management, ESC Bordeaux (France); Ecole de Commerce de Rouen (France); Norwegian School of Management BI, Oslo/Sandvika (Norway); University of Maastricht (The Netherlands); Wien (Vienna University of Economics & Business Administration) (Austria); Wissenschaftliche Hochschule (Germany )
  • North America - Boston College; Emory University; Georgia Institute of Technology; Lehigh University; McGill University; Michigan State University; New York University; Ohio State University; Queen's University; Texas A & M University; Tulane University; University of Alberta; University of Arizona; University of British Columbia; University of Calgary; The University of California Systems; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Pennsylvania; University of Southern California; University of Texas at Austin; University of Toronto; University of Washington; University of Western Ontario, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Washington University (St. Louis); York University

Executive Programs

Director, Executive Programs and External Development:
Kitty CHAN, BA, PGCertEd Hong Kong; MBA Hong Kong Univ of Sc & Tech

The School helps industries in Hong Kong and its neighboring regions to stay on the forefront of business development and practices through open-enrolled and customized non-degree executive programs. These programs combine theoretical framework with practical insights. They focus on learning with immediate relevance to business executives and companies.

A series of short programs on various topics are offered throughout the year for open enrollment. These non-degree executive programs typically span from one to a few days and are targeted to help working executives to gain knowledge within a short period of time. These programs include topics on such themes as e-Business, China Business and Management, Finance for Non-Financial Managers and other management topics.

In response to the growing demands of companies and organizations for customized programs, the School develops from existing programs and designs new customized programs to tailor for company needs. Many of these tailored programs are in the form of short one to five-day non-residential program and others are in the form of one to two-week residential programs on HKUST campus. Programs have been developed for a number of public organizations, Chinese enterprises and multinational corporations in Hong Kong and also from China mainland and overseas countries.

On top of these programs, the School offers a one-year part-time Executive Diploma in Management (EDM) program to provide a quality general management education and a six-month Executive Diploma in Electronic Commerce (EDEC) program to give latest electronic commerce trend and development to local executives. The School provides a full range in general management education (EMBA, MBA, EDM, EDEC and short executive programs) for executives with different managerial experience and academic and career aspirations.

Undergraduate Programs

Associate Dean and Director of Undergraduate Programs:
Kar-Yan TAM, BS Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; MS, PhD Purdue
(Professor of Information and Systems Management)

All undergraduate students in the BBA and BBA Accounting programs are required to complete a common core curriculum in their first year of study. After that, with the guidance of academic advisors and approval from the Undergraduate Programs Office, students will select a program in one of the following areas: accounting, economics, finance, information systems, operations management, management of organizations, and marketing. The curriculum of each of these seven programs is designed in such a way that a student can have "double majors" in these areas if he or she wishes to do so. Therefore, graduation with dual program designation (e.g. BBA in Finance and Marketing) is possible. The curriculum of each program is described in detail under the respective major department.

Alternatively, students may opt for the general business management program to get a broad and general education in business and management. The curriculum for the BBA program in General Business Management is given in the section below.

A new program, BBA Global Business will be offered commencing in 2001/2002. Students will follow a different curriculum, which is given in the section below. Apart from a comprehensive training in business, courses are designed to develop students' global perspective, communication capabilities, leadership skills, critical thinking, and problem solving abilities. Students will go abroad to one of our international exchange partners for one semester. Students are also expected to have a second major in any of the following areas: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Operations Management, Management of Organizations and Marketing.

Undergraduate students in the BSc Economics and Finance program will have a separate curriculum. For details, please click here.


Curriculum for BBA in General Business Management

Major Program Requirements

Core Courses
    ACCT 101 Introduction to Accounting [3-1-0:4]
(1)   ECON 110 Introductory Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
  or ECON 111 Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
  or ECON 191 Honors Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
    FINA 111 Financial Management [3-1-0:3]
(2)   ISMT 101 Introduction to Information Systems [2-1-1:3]
    ISMT 111 Business Statistics [3-1-0:4]
    ISMT 161 Operations Management [3-0-0:3]
    MARK 112 Marketing Management [3-0-0:3]
    MGTO 121 Organizational Behavior [3-0-0:3]

Required courses
(3) LANG 111 Basic Business Putonghua [0-3-0:3]
(4) MATH 005 Algebra and Calculus I [3-1-0:4]
  MGTO 222 Business, Society and the Individual [1-0-0:1]

Elective courses
  Elective Type
Minimum no. of courses
Minimum total credits
(5) SB&M Business and Management

General Education Requirements

Electives must be selected from amongst those general education courses that are listed under the section "Course Descriptions".

  Elective Type
Minimum no. of courses
Minimum total credits
  GEE(SCIE) Science General Education Elective
  GEE(ENGG) Engineering General Education Elective
(6) GEE(H&SS) Humanities and Social Science General Education Elective

Required Courses in English Communication

  LANG 107 English for Academic Purposes for Business Students [0-2-0:1]
  LANG 201 Business Communication [0-3-0:3]


  1. Students entering with grade B or above in AL Economics take ECON 191; those with grade C, D or E in AL Economics take ECON 111. All other students, including those entering with AL Business and Economics, take ECON 110.
  2. Students with strong MS Office background and attain a required standard in a test administered by the ISMT Department can choose to replace ISMT 101 by ISMT 102.
  3. Students cannot replace this course by LANG 011/012/013 for graduation purposes.
  4. Students entering with HKCEE Mathematics only, or those who scored below grade C in HKCEE Additional Mathematics, take MATH 005. All others take a free elective.
  5. Of these 20 credits, at least 6 credits must be at 300-level or above and at least 6 credits must be at 200-level or above.
  6. Of these courses, at least one course in Humanities and one in Social Science are required.

A minimum of 100 credits is required for the BBA program in General Business Management. Students must take additional course(s) and/or elective(s) of higher-than-required credit value to meet this minimum total of 100 credits.

Recommended Pattern of Study for the Curriculum
1st year Fall C ACCT 101, ECON 110/111/191, ISMT 111  
    R LANG 107, MATH 005/FREE (Total: 15-16 credits)
  Spring C FINA 111, ISMT 101/102, ISMT 161, MARK 112, MGTO 121  
    R LANG 107 (Total: 16* credits)
2nd year Fall R LANG 111, MGTO 222  
    E SB&M, GEE(ENGG), GEE(H&SS), FREE (Total: 17 credits)
  Spring R LANG 201  
    E two SB&M, GEE(SCIE), GEE(H&SS) (Total: 17 credits)
3rd year Fall E two SB&M, GEE(H&SS), two FREE (Total: 18-19 credits)
  Spring E SB&M, GEE(H&SS), three FREE (Total: 16 credits)

* LANG 107 is a two-semester course. The course credit will be earned on completion of the course at the end of 1st year Spring.

C = core course; R = required course; E = elective course

Curriculum for BBA in Global Business

Major Program Requirements

Core courses
    ACCT 101 Introduction to Accounting [3-1-0:4]
(1)   ECON 110 Introductory Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
  or ECON 111 Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
  or ECON 191 Honors Microeconomics [3-1-0:4]
    FINA 111 Financial Management [3-1-0:3]
(2)   ISMT 101 Introduction to Information Systems [2-1-1:3]
    ISMT 111 Business Statistics [3-1-0:4]
    ISMT 161 Operations Management [3-0-0:3]
    MARK 112 Marketing Management [3-0-0:3]
    MGTO 121 Organizational Behavior [3-0-0:3]


Required courses

  BMGB 201 Global Politics and History [3-0-0:3]
  BMGB 202 Global Business Case Studies [2-2-0:4]
  BMGB 301 Leadership and Entrepreneurship [3-0-0:3]
  BMGB 391 Final-Year Thesis [0-3-0:3]
  BMGB 392 Final-Year Project [1-1-3:3]
  ECON 335 International Trade and Finance [3-1-0:4]
  HUMA 062 Human, Culture, and Society [2-1-0:3]
(3) LANG 111 Basic Business Putonghua [0-3-0:3]
(4) MATH 005 Algebra and Calculus I [3-1-0:4]
  MGTO 222 Business, Society and the Individual [1-0-0:1]
  SOSC 193 Interpersonal Relations [3-0-0:3]


Elective courses

  Elective Type
Minimum no. of courses
Minimum total credits
SB&M Business and Management

General Education Requirements

Electives must be selected from amongst those general education courses that are listed under the section "Course Descriptions".

  Elective Type
Minimum no. of courses
Minimum total credits
  GEE(SCIE) Science General Education Elective
} 6
  GEE(ENGG) Engineering General Education Elective
  GEE(H&SS) Humanities and Social Science General Education Elective

Required Courses in English Communication

  LANG 107 English for Academic Purposes for Business Students [0-2-0:1]
  LANG 201 Business Communication [0-3-0:3]


  1. Students entering with grade B or above in AL Economics take ECON 191; those with grade C, D or E in AL Economics take ECON 111. All other students, including those entering with AL Business and Economics, take ECON 110.
  2. Students with strong MS Office background and attain a required standard in a test administered by the ISMT Department can choose to replace ISMT 101 by ISMT 102.
  3. Students cannot replace this course by LANG 011/012/013 for graduation purposes.
  4. Students entering with HKCEE Mathematics only, or those who scored below grade C in HKCEE Additional Mathematics will be required to take MATH 005. All others take a free elective.

A minimum of 100 credits is required for the BBA program in Global Business. Students must take additional course(s) and/or elective(s) of higher-than-required credit value to meet the minimum total of 100 credits.

Recommended Pattern of Study for the Curriculum

1st year Fall C ACCT 101, ECON 110/111/191, ISMT 111  
    R HUMA 062, LANG 107, MATH 005/FREE (Total: 18-19 credits)
  Spring C FINA 111, ISMT 101/102, ISMT 161, MARK 112, MGTO 121  
    R LANG 107, SOSC 193 (Total: 19* credits)
2nd year Fall R BMGB 201, ECON 335, LANG 111, MGTO 222  
    E SB&M (Total: 15 credits)
  Spring   Exchange Semester  
    R LANG 201  
    E SB&M, GEE(SCIE), GEE(H&SS), FREE (Total: 16 credits)
  Summer R BMGB 202

(Total: 4 credits)

3rd year Fall R BMGB 301, BMGB 391
    E two SB&M, GEE(H&SS) (Total: 17 credits)
  Spring R BMGB 392  
  E GEE(ENGG), one or two FREE (Total: 10-11 credits)

* LANG 107 is a two-semester course. The course credit will be earned on completion of the course at the end of 1st year Spring.

C = core course; R = required course; E = elective course


Postgraduate Programs

Associate Dean and Director of MBA/EMBA/MSc Programs:
Steven J. DEKREY, BA Bemidji State Coll; MS Univ of Wisconsin, Madison; MM (MBA) Northwestern; PhD, EdS Iowa

Director of PhD/MPhil Programs:
Kalok CHAN, BSSc Chinese Univ of Hong Kong; PhD Ohio State
(Professor of Finance)

In 2001/2002, the School of Business and Management offers taught postgraduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Master of Science in Electronic Commerce Management, Investment Management or Information Systems Management. The PhD and MPhil programs are oriented toward research or university teaching careers, and have a global perspective with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Detailed descriptions of the EMBA, MBA, MSc, dual degrees, MPhil and PhD programs are described here.