The new student residence hall, to be completed in 2004, will provide housing for 527 undergraduates.

The HKUST Amphitheater provides an open-air venue for cultural activities.


Construction of HKUST's new Coastal Marine Laboratory neared completion
in 2000/01. The structure of this seafront laboratory was finalized and fitting-out work commenced. When operational towards the end of 2001, the 1,000 sq m laboratory will provide specialized facilities for coastal and environmental research and teaching. Housed on the top floor is a six-lane, 25-meter indoor swimming pool, which opened in March 2001. The entire project has been funded by private donations.

More of the University's students will enjoy campus housing in the future. After over a year on hold, the Legislative Council's Finance Committee has given HKUST the green light to build a new hall of residence for undergraduates. The new 11-storey residence hall will provide accommodation for 527 students, and is scheduled for completion in 2004. The cost of construction is estimated to be HK$152 million, of which 25% is to come from the University and private donations.

Preliminary design and site investigation work for the Enterprise Center has been completed. Construction is now pending the Government's approval. The project, which requires funding from the Government and private sources, will provide 10,800 sq m office and laboratory space for research and development activities.

The HKUST Amphitheater, opened on 22 June 2001, enjoys breathtaking views of Port Shelter and a central location below the Academic Building. It provides the University community with a 300 sq m open-air theater for outdoor gatherings and cultural performances.



The sea at Sai Kung offers clean water for the Coastal Marine Laboratory at HKUST.