Dr Daniel GOLEMAN, renowned expert in emotional intelligence (EQ), delivered the HKUST Business School Distinguished Lecture on 19 October. The topic of his lecture, sponsored by Shui On Construction and Materials Ltd, was "What Makes a Leader".

The Beta Gamma Sigma Society, an international honor society that recognizes outstanding business students, established its local chapter at HKUST on 28 October. Four prominent business executives were inducted as inaugural chapter honorees: Mr Ronnie CHAN, Chairman of the Hang Lung Group; Mr Peter CLARKE, former Chairman of Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific; Mr Martin TANG, Chairman (Asia) of Spencer Stuart & Associates; and Dr Lawrence WONG, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Jockey Club.


Close to 700 faculty, staff, students, and their families and friends enjoyed an evening of swing dancing on 2 November hosted by the HKUST Center for the Arts. The Swing Dance Orchestra from Germany provided the delightful music for the event, which was held in The Hong Kong Jockey Club Atrium.

The dedication ceremony of the Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong Hall (formerly known as the PG Hall I) was held on 10 November. It was jointly officiated by Mrs Joan CHEONG (right), wife of the late Mr Stephen CHEONG, and Dr Alice LAM (center), Chairman of the Trustees of the Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong Memorial Education Fund.

Over 100 sociologists from the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong participated in the "Crossing Boundaries in Social Research" Conference. Topics included social and friendship networks, cultural representation and the mass media, politics, crime, and the use of information technology in teaching sociology.

The University's Eighth Congregation was held from 8 to 10 November. Academic degrees were conferred on 1,828 undergraduates and 670 postgraduates.

The Department of Chemical Engineering hosted an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on "Remediation of the Aquatic and Atmospheric Environments by Advanced Oxidation" from 28 November to 3 December. Distinguished scholars from Europe, America, and Asia were invited to deliver a series of talks on the latest environmental technologies. ASI, which promotes scholarly exchange in advanced research areas, is funded by the Croucher Foundation.

13 HKUST students from the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong were invited to attend the "Reception for Outstanding Students" on 19 December at the HKSAR Government House. The Reception was hosted by the University Grants Committee to thank the Hong Kong Jockey Club for their generous support in establishing the "Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme for Outstanding Mainland Students". In the past two years, the Scheme has sponsored 38 top performing Mainland students to study at HKUST.

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