HKUST began to offer degree programs in transportation logistics management in 1998 and selected logistics management as a high impact research area.


Capitalizing on Hong Kong's Strengths
Under the shadow of recession, people's confidence in and enthusiasm for high technology has flagged. However, we must keep our eyes on the big picture. Technological advancement is recognized as a world trend and provides the fuel for economic development. For the long-term benefit of Hong Kong, we have no choice but to speed up our transition to a knowledge-based economy by boosting high-tech development. The question is: How should Hong Kong chart its path to high technology? What role should a research university such as HKUST play in Hong Kong's high-tech development? To answer these questions, we have to understand Hong Kong's strengths and how to leverage them.

Hong Kong possesses many of the qualities a knowledge-based society needs: healthy legal and financial systems, free access to information, and rich experience in management, all of which are first-rate. Hong Kong's edge lies in its capacity to coordinate scientific knowledge of various disciplines, talented manpower, market needs, and business research and development in creating high value-added products. Hong Kong should therefore focus on invention, design, and integration, and collaborate with multinational enterprises to develop high-tech goods and services. Enterprises can help in the selection of research areas and by providing the necessary financial support and information for research and development, while in turn HKUST can provide the required technology and human resources for high-tech enterprises.

As the only research university specializing in science, technology, and business and management studies in Hong Kong, HKUST plays a major role in the discovery of new knowledge, development of technology, and nurturing of talent. The University has over 40 multidisciplinary research institutes and centers, focusing on frontier areas such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, new materials, microelectronics and microsystems, information technology, e-commerce, logistics management, thermal energy and systems, environmental studies, China business and management, and cultural studies. These academic pursuits are what constitute the driving force behind the most advanced global economies. With HKUST's high impact research areas registering world-class achievements, the HKSAR Government and the general public should capitalize on the strengths of Hong Kong and HKUST, support the creation of advanced scientific knowledge and the development of high technology, and nurture well-rounded talent for a knowledge-based society.