The HKUST Semiconductor Product Analysis and Design Enhancement Center was established to enhance the competitiveness of the local semiconductor industry in the world market.


Research Infrastructure
In March 2001, HKUST was awarded HK$14.9 million by the Innovation and Technology Fund to establish the Semiconductor Product Analysis and Design Enhancement Center. The funds were matched by the HK$2.4 million donation from over 20 local semiconductor companies. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, the Center will provide service and support to the semiconductor industry through product analysis, design enhancement, and failure analysis.

The Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility was opened on 3 April 2001 to provide construction companies and other industries with a cutting-edge geotechnical modeling facility to enhance the design, quality, and safety of engineering projects. The 8.5-meter-diameter geotechnical centrifuge facility is equipped with a 4-axis robotic manipulator, the world's first biaxial shaking table, and a state-of-the-art distributed data acquisition and control system. The facility can simulate a variety of construction activities and provide technical solutions for geotechnical problems pertinent to Hong Kong. In addition, it is capable of simulating seismic ground response for a better understanding of earthquake-induced soil interactions.

The HKUST Institute for Nano Science and Technology was inaugurated on
15 May 2001. First in Hong Kong, the Institute was established with a funding of HK$10 million and aims to provide a platform for researchers around the world to advance nanotechnology research.



The Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility is equipped with cutting-edge geotechnical modeling facilities to enhance the design, quality, and safety of engineering projects.