Prof Kang WANG, Dean of Engineering, introduces the Master of Technology Management programs to professionals.

The Language Center's intensive summer English program for secondary school students was the first in Hong Kong to receive accreditation from the Institute of Linguists in the UK.


Program Initiatives
Responding to the need for social transformation and economic development, the School of Engineering and the School of Business and Management jointly organized a number of Master of Technology Management (MTM) programs. The first of their kind in Hong Kong, these MTM programs are designed to offer mid-career technical professionals opportunities for further studies, to develop their professional and managerial careers. The first program, offered in Fall 2000, was the Master of Technology Management Program in Information Technology. This will be followed by the Master of Technology Management Program in Global Logistics Management in Fall 2001.

The School of Business and Management launched its 20-month Master of Science Program in Electronic Commerce Management in June 2001. Students who take this program must already have an MBA degree. The School also signed an agreement with Peking University's Guanghua School of Management to jointly offer an International Executive MBA program in Shenzhen. The Program is specially designed for middle- to senior-level Mainland executives.

The School of Humanities and Social Science established the Y K Pao Visiting Chair in Cultural Studies Fund with a generous donation of US$2 million (approximately HK$15.6 million) by Dr Helmut SOHMEN, a member of the University Court. The Fund sponsors internationally renowned academics and artists as visiting professors and artists-in-residence. The Visiting Chair program supports the University's objectives of providing all-round education and enriching the intellectual and cultural life of the University community. The first scholar invited was distinguished social scientist Prof Immanuel WALLERSTEIN. The second invitee was renowned academic in the humanities Prof Gayatri C SPIVAK, who offered a postgraduate course on modern literary theory this year.

New programs were also initiated at the undergraduate level. The Department of Mathematics and the School of Engineering began offering minor programs this year. These programs provide students with more opportunities to develop their personal interests outside their majors, as well as to enhance their competitiveness in the job market.

In collaboration with three secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Department of Computer Science launched a pilot program to offer a credit-based online computer course to secondary school students in September 2000. Under the program, academically gifted secondary school students were able to take university-level courses in advance. The results were very promising. In June 2001, the Department received a grant of HK$2.2 million from the Government's Quality Education Fund to run the "Cyber University for Academically Gifted Secondary School Students" project. With the support of six secondary schools on Hong Kong Island, and in Kowloon and the New Territories, the project will set up six regional multimedia education centers to facilitate the offering of online courses. These schools are: Ho Fung College, Kowloon Technical School, Pui Ching Middle School, Queen Maud Secondary School, Sha Tin Government Secondary School, and Wah Yan College. Two computer science programs and a physics program will be available in September 2001.



Through video conferencing, Prof Ting Chuen PONG of the Department of Computer Science answers questions from secondary school students who take HKUST's online programs.