General Income and Expenditure
General income was HK$1,712 million
(HK$1,770 million in 2000/01). The fall in income was partly
attributable to the full effect of the 10% point-to-point
funding cut and partly to a drop in bank interest income resulting
from the downward movement of interest rates. Total income
from the University Grants Committee (UGC) was HK$1,406 million
(HK$1,430 million in 2000/01). The remainder of general income
included HK$306 million from tuition fees, interest and investment
income, and other items.
General expenditure was HK$1,695
million (HK$1,763 million in 2000/01). Excluding the one-off
lump sum payment of HK$32 million for voluntary redundancies
in 2000/01, general expenditure was reduced by HK$36 million
this year. The University Council approved a revised benefits
package for new recruits effective from 1 September 2001,
following similar revisions in the Civil Service. To cope
with the severe reduction in Government funding, the University
has continued with the freeze on the recruitment of non-teaching
staff. It has also discontinued the practice of allowing leave
accumulation and requires staff members to clear earned leave
in future.
Other Income
The University received a total of HK$280 million
in earmarked grants from the UGC (HK$265 million in 2000/01), while a
total of HK$93 million (HK$37 million in 2000/01) was received from the
UGC in the form of capital grants.
After accounting for investment losses arising from
the downturn in financial markets, income from donations and designated
funds amounted to HK$89 million (HK$101 million in 2000/01). Other operating
income generated from self-financing activities and research contracts
amounted to a total of HK$210 million (HK$219 million in 2000/01). Total
fund balance of donations, designated funds and other operating funds
stood at HK$577 million (HK$532 million in 2000/01).
Reserves and provisions stood at HK$777
million (HK$809 million in 2000/01), of which HK$630 million
formed the General and Development Reserves.