
Other Research Areas
Physics researchers worked on photonic band gap materials
that led to the design of a fractal plate that has novel electromagnetic
wave properties. In another project with the University of Manitoba, researchers
have observed ultrasonic tunneling through phononic crystals the first time
such an observation has been made in the realm of ultrasound.
The Department of Mathematics, in collaboration with
researchers at the Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics and Estuary, created
an accurate numerical method for predicting tidal bores and has tested
it on the Qiantang River.
A project on computer-aided design, using affordable
sole CAD/CAM software, has enabled small to medium size footwear manufacturers
to benefit from a shorter "time to market". It facilitates a
faster response to customer needs and cost reduction, thereby enhancing
the competitiveness of the entire local footwear industry. The project
is led by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,
and involves both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Through statistical analysis of the views of over 1,200
residents in 60 villages in Anhui Province, the Division of Social Science
has found that for village election, the more democratic the nomination
system, the greater the legitimacy of the government.