
Nurturing the Best
In 1998, HKUST admitted the first batch of 19 mainland
undergraduates as scholarship students under an agreement between the
HKSAR Government and the Ministry of Education. At the end of this academic
year 17 of them completed their studies, with 14 graduating with First
Class Honors. Five received the Academic Achievement Award, and 12 of
the graduates have been admitted to postgraduate programs at Yale, Columbia,
Cornell, University of California at Berkeley, Illinois and HKUST.
HKUST launched its Early Admission Program in March
2002 to provide gifted Form Six students with the opportunity of accelerated
entry into a local university, thereby keeping the best young talent in
Hong Kong. Over 200 students applied and 56 were accepted. These students
have now started the University's three-year undergraduate program. A
six-week intensive summer course helped them make the transition from
secondary to tertiary education.