
Honors and Awards
HKSAR Government Awards
The Hon Sir David Akers-Jones (Court member): Grand
Bauhinia Medal
Mr Fa-Kuang Hu (Court member): Gold Bauhinia Star
Mr Philip N L Chen (Council Vice-Chairman and Court member): Silver Bauhinia
Honorary Doctorates
Prof Leo Esaki: Doctor of Science honoris causa
Dr Wah-Sum Lau, GBS, JP: Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa
Prof Leo Ou-Fan Lee: Doctor of Humanities honoris causa
Prof Debing Wang: Doctor of Science honoris causa
HKUST Medals
Associate Professor Dr Andrew B Horner:
Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching |

Germaine Chore-Man
Chan received the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished
Service to the Student Body from Mr Anthony Kar Chee Cheong. |