
Significant efforts have been made to improve the
academic review procedure, develop an early admission program for gifted
students, improve the quality of teaching and learning, and narrow the
gaps in quality assurance activities through sharing good practices among
Schools and Departments.
The Council held three plenary meetings during
the year. A major achievement was its conception of a three-session forum
on the future development of Hong Kong, to demonstrate the University's
commitment to the betterment of society. The Council also lent strong
support to the third phase development and expansion of the campus part
of the University's continued progress towards becoming an international
institution that engages in world-class research and provides all-round
Strategic development plans and the University
Grants Committee's Higher Education Review of Hong Kong were discussed.
It was agreed that to fulfill its mission and vision the University must
attract the best students, faculty and staff, and gain broad-based support
from the community. The Court noted plans to launch an integrated outreach
plan to help propel the University forward in its next phase of development.